oAsis chiropractic center

Where Stress Disappears and Healing Happens!


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Whether you want to deal with a painful problem or pursue optimal health, we can help. Let Dr. Myles Starkman guide you on choosing the best path to wellness.

Relax & Recover
Repair & Recharge
Reboot & Reconnect
Brain Based Wellness
Kids & Moms


is the cause of most illnesses, putting your health at risk. Stress creates interference with the communication between the brain and body, resulting in poor function, poor performance, and lack of vitality.


  • Headaches
  • Back/Neck Pain
  • Poor Posture
  • Concussion/TBI
  • Muscle Pain
  • Joint Pain


  • Sleep Issue/Fatigue
  • Weight Gain
  • Anxiety/Irritability
  • Depression
  • PTSD
  • Poor Digestion


  • Digestive Problems
  • Hormone Imbalance
  • Brain Fog
  • Leaky Gut
  • IBS
  • Autoimmune

chronic health conditions

Do you feel like a professional patient, going from doctor to doctor, with your long list of symptoms and drugs that didn't work? Then not being heard or understood, only to be given more drugs and hoping this time it will help? At the Oasis Chiropractic Center, we offer more than hope- we get results.

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Child developmental problems

Being the parent of a child with developmental issues can be stressful physically, mentally, and emotionally. It can be challenging, confusing, exhausting, depressing, and uplifting- all at the same time. Here at the Oasis Chiropractic Center, we have answers, hope, and help.

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