Laser Therapy

Laser Therapy also known as LLLT (Low level laser therapy) Light Therapy or Cold Laser is a painless, sterile, non-invasive, drug-free, FDA approved treatment which is used to treat a variety of pain syndromes, injuries, wounds, fractures, neurological conditions, and pathologies. Basically, it's a way to help your body heal faster without needing to take medication. It's safe and effective, and each session is quick, typically only lasting a few minutes. So, if someone prefers a drug-free option for pain relief, or if other treatments haven't worked, laser therapy might be a good option for care.


What is laser treatment?

L.A.S.E.R. (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) is the name for a type of intense radiation of the light spectrum. A laser is a beam of light in which high energy can be concentrated. Laser light has unique physical properties, which other types of light do not have. These are coherence and monochromaticity. These are what makes laser light so effective compared to other kinds of light in the field of pain reduction and recovery. Laser treatment (also known as phototherapy and low-level laser therapy) involves the application of low power coherent light to injuries to accelerate recovery and reduce pain. Low level laser technology has been found to offer superior pain-relieving effects compared to other electrotherapeutic modalities such as ultrasound, especially in dealing with chronic problems and in the early stages of acute injuries. Low level laser technology is a non-invasive, drug-free modality.

How does laser therapy work?

When we use low-level laser therapy, it's like shining a special kind of light onto your body. This light goes into your cells and affects their energy centers called mitochondria. There are certain molecules in your cells that absorb this light, and when they do, they start a process that produces a type of reactive molecule. These molecules can change the way your cells work. Inside the mitochondria, this light energy helps make a molecule called ATP, which is like a fuel for your cells.

For the laser to work, it needs to be absorbed by specific molecules inside your cells. This makes the outer layer of your cells more permeable, or easier to pass through, which can lead to some changes in how your cells function. The effects we see from this therapy depend on how well the tissues in your body absorb this laser light. If the wavelength of the laser isn't right, it won't reach deep enough into your tissues to have an effect.

Different lasers emit light at different wavelengths, and each wavelength interacts with your tissues and molecules in its own way. There are natural molecules in your body, like water and hemoglobin, that can absorb this light and play a role in the therapy.

Is laser therapy safe?

Yes, laser treatments are completely safe, drug-free and non-invasive. Our Laser devices have an FDA Clearance and CE certification, a mark of European safety and legal compliance. However, since all lasers produce a high intensity light, one should never shine the laser directly into the eye. Pregnant women should refrain from laser treatments applied directly to the abdomen. Also, people with pacemakers should not use laser treatments near the heart.

How deep into the tissue can laser light penetrate?

There isn't a set limit for how deep the light can go, but as it travels deeper, it gets weaker until it's too faint to have any effect. Other factors like the type of tissue, skin color, and any substances on the skin, like creams, can also play a role.

Certain tissues, like bones and muscles, let light pass through them easily. Different colors of light are absorbed differently by the body. The visible light spectrum is absorbed by skin pigments, while infrared light is absorbed by water.

Luckily, there's a range of light wavelengths where water isn't a strong absorber, allowing light to penetrate tissues with a lot of water content. This range, called the "therapeutic window," is between 600 and 1,200 nanometers. That's why most lasers used today fall within this range.

Laser light with wavelengths between 600 and 730 nanometers doesn't penetrate as deeply and is better for treatments closer to the skin's surface.

Who can benefit from laser treatment?
  • Athletes: Cold laser therapy can help athletes recover from sports injuries faster, reduce inflammation, and manage pain without the need for medications.
  • Chronic pain sufferers: People with chronic conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, or neuropathy may find relief from their symptoms through cold laser therapy.
  • Individuals recovering from surgery: Cold laser therapy can aid in post-operative healing by reducing inflammation, promoting tissue repair, and minimizing scar formation.
  • Those with acute injuries: Whether it's a sprain, strain, or muscle tear, cold laser therapy can accelerate the healing process and alleviate pain associated with acute injuries.
  • Patients with musculoskeletal disorders: Conditions like tendonitis, bursitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome can benefit from cold laser therapy by reducing inflammation and improving mobility.
  • People seeking alternative pain management: Cold laser therapy offers a non-invasive, drug-free option for managing pain, making it suitable for individuals who prefer holistic or complementary treatments.